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GogObject *         gog_view_get_model                  (GogView const *view);
void                gog_view_render                     (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewAllocation const *bbox);
void                gog_view_queue_redraw               (GogView *view);
void                gog_view_queue_resize               (GogView *view);
void                gog_view_padding_request            (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewAllocation const *bbox,
                                                         GogViewPadding *padding);
void                gog_view_size_request               (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewRequisition const *available,
                                                         GogViewRequisition *requisition);
void                gog_view_size_allocate              (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewAllocation const *allocation);
gboolean            gog_view_update_sizes               (GogView *view);
GogView *           gog_view_find_child_view            (GogView const *container,
                                                         GogObject const *target_model);
GSList const	*      gog_view_get_toolkit                (GogView *view);
void                gog_view_render_toolkit             (GogView *view);
GogTool *           gog_view_get_tool_at_point          (GogView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y,
                                                         GogObject **gobj);
GogView *           gog_view_get_view_at_point          (GogView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y,
                                                         GogObject **obj,
                                                         GogTool **tool);
void                gog_view_size_child_request         (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewRequisition const *available,
                                                         GogViewRequisition *req,
                                                         GogViewRequisition *min_req);
char *              gog_view_get_tip_at_point           (GogView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y);

Object Hierarchy



  "model"                    GogObject*            : Write
  "parent"                   GogView*              : Write




typedef struct _GogView GogView;


typedef struct {
	double w, h;
	double x, y;
} GogViewAllocation;


typedef struct {
	double wr, hb;
	double wl, ht;
} GogViewPadding;


typedef struct {
	double w, h;
} GogViewRequisition;

gog_view_get_model ()

GogObject *         gog_view_get_model                  (GogView const *view);

view :

Returns :

gog_view_render ()

void                gog_view_render                     (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewAllocation const *bbox);

view :

bbox :

gog_view_queue_redraw ()

void                gog_view_queue_redraw               (GogView *view);

Requests a redraw for the entire graph.

view :

a GogView

gog_view_queue_resize ()

void                gog_view_queue_resize               (GogView *view);

Flags a view to have its size renegotiated; should be called when a model for some reason has a new size request. For example, when you change the size of a legend.

view :

a GogView

gog_view_padding_request ()

void                gog_view_padding_request            (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewAllocation const *bbox,
                                                         GogViewPadding *padding);

view :

bbox :

padding :

gog_view_size_request ()

void                gog_view_size_request               (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewRequisition const *available,
                                                         GogViewRequisition *requisition);

When called available holds the available space and requisition is populated with the desired size based on that input and other elements of the view or its model's state (eg the position).

Remember that the size request is not necessarily the size a view will actually be allocated.

view :

a GogView

available :

available space.

requisition :

a GogViewRequisition.

gog_view_size_allocate ()

void                gog_view_size_allocate              (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewAllocation const *allocation);

Assign a size and position to a GogView. Primarilly used by containers.

view :

a GogView

allocation :

position and size to be allocated to view

gog_view_update_sizes ()

gboolean            gog_view_update_sizes               (GogView *view);

view :


Returns :

TRUE if a redraw is necessary.

gog_view_find_child_view ()

GogView *           gog_view_find_child_view            (GogView const *container,
                                                         GogObject const *target_model);

Find the GogView contained in container that corresponds to model.

container :


target_model :


Returns :

NULL on error or if target_model has no view.

gog_view_get_toolkit ()

GSList const	*      gog_view_get_toolkit                (GogView *view);

view :


Returns :

toolkit associated with given view.

gog_view_render_toolkit ()

void                gog_view_render_toolkit             (GogView *view);

Render toolkit elements.

view :


gog_view_get_tool_at_point ()

GogTool *           gog_view_get_tool_at_point          (GogView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y,
                                                         GogObject **gobj);

view :


x :

in coords

y :

in coords

gobj :

pointed object or NULL

Returns :

tool under cursor for a given view, or NULL

gog_view_get_view_at_point ()

GogView *           gog_view_get_view_at_point          (GogView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y,
                                                         GogObject **obj,
                                                         GogTool **tool);

Gets view under cursor, searching recursively from view. Corresponding object is stored in obj. This object may or may not be view->model of pointed view. This function also stores tool under cursor, for the pointed view.

view :


x :

cursor x position

y :

cursor y position

obj :

pointed object or NULL

tool :

pointed tool or NULL

Returns :

the GogView at x,y position

gog_view_size_child_request ()

void                gog_view_size_child_request         (GogView *view,
                                                         GogViewRequisition const *available,
                                                         GogViewRequisition *req,
                                                         GogViewRequisition *min_req);

Computes additional requision in req which must be added to parent requisition, and minimum requisition in min_req which is minimum space for displaying all children.

view :

a GogView

available :

the amount of space available in total

req :

additionnal requisition

min_req :

minimum size for displaying all children

gog_view_get_tip_at_point ()

char *              gog_view_get_tip_at_point           (GogView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y);

Gets a tip string related to the position as defined by (x,y) in view.

view :


x :

x position

y :

y position

Returns :

the newly allocated tip string if the view class supports that or NULL.

Property Details

The "model" property

  "model"                    GogObject*            : Write

The GogObject this view displays.

The "parent" property

  "parent"                   GogView*              : Write

the GogView parent.

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