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atspi-hyperlink — Instances of atspi-hyperlink are the means by which end users and clients interact with linked content.

Object Hierarchy



Instances of atspi-hyperlink are returned by atspi-hypertext objects, and are the means by which end users and clients interact with linked, and in some cases embedded, content. These instances may have multiple "anchors", where an anchor corresponds to a reference to a particular resource with a corresponding resource identified (URI).



typedef struct _AtspiHyperlink AtspiHyperlink;

struct AtspiHyperlinkClass

struct AtspiHyperlinkClass {
  AtspiObjectClass parent_class;

atspi_hyperlink_get_n_anchors ()

gint                atspi_hyperlink_get_n_anchors       (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the total number of anchors which an AtspiHyperlink implementor has. Though typical hyperlinks have only one anchor, client-side image maps and other hypertext objects may potentially activate or refer to multiple URIs. For each anchor there is a corresponding URI and object.

see: atspi_hyperlink_get_uri and atspi_hyperlink_get_object.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink object on which to operate.

Returns :

a gint indicating the number of anchors in this hyperlink.

atspi_hyperlink_get_uri ()

gchar *             atspi_hyperlink_get_uri             (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         int i,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the URI associated with a particular hyperlink anchor.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink implementor on which to operate.

i :

a (zero-index) integer indicating which hyperlink anchor to query.

Returns :

a UTF-8 string giving the URI of the ith hyperlink anchor.

atspi_hyperlink_get_object ()

AtspiAccessible *   atspi_hyperlink_get_object          (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         gint i,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the object associated with a particular hyperlink anchor, as an AtspiAccessible.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink implementor on which to operate.

i :

a (zero-index) gint indicating which hyperlink anchor to query.

Returns :

an AtspiAccessible that represents the object associated with the ith anchor of the specified AtspiHyperlink. [transfer full]

atspi_hyperlink_get_index_range ()

AtspiRange *        atspi_hyperlink_get_index_range     (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the starting and ending character offsets of the text range associated with an AtspiHyperlink, in its originating AtspiHypertext.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink implementor on which to operate.

atspi_hyperlink_get_start_index ()

gint                atspi_hyperlink_get_start_index     (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the starting character offset of the text range associated with an AtspiHyperlink, in its originating AtspiHypertext.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink implementor on which to operate.

atspi_hyperlink_get_end_index ()

gint                atspi_hyperlink_get_end_index       (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the ending character offset of the text range associated with an AtspiHyperlink, in its originating AtspiHypertext.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink implementor on which to operate.

atspi_hyperlink_is_valid ()

gboolean            atspi_hyperlink_is_valid            (AtspiHyperlink *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Tells whether an AtspiHyperlink object is still valid with respect to its originating hypertext object.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHyperlink on which to operate.

Returns :

TRUE if the specified AtspiHyperlink is still valid with respect to its originating AtspiHypertext object, FALSE otherwise.
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