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atspi-hypertext — An interface used for objects which implement linking between multiple resource locations.

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

AtspiHypertext is implemented by AtspiAccessible.


An interface used for objects which implement linking between multiple resource or content locations, or multiple 'markers' within a single document. A hypertext instance is associated with one or more hyperlinks which are associated with particular offests within the hypertext's content.



typedef struct _AtspiHypertext AtspiHypertext;

atspi_hypertext_get_n_links ()

gint                atspi_hypertext_get_n_links         (AtspiHypertext *obj,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the total number of AtspiHyperlink objects that an AtspiHypertext implementor has.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHypertext implementor on which to operate.

Returns :

a gint indicating the number of AtspiHyperlink objects of the AtspiHypertext implementor, or -1 if the number cannot be determined (for example, if the AtspiHypertext object is so large that it is not all currently in the memory cache).

atspi_hypertext_get_link ()

AtspiHyperlink *    atspi_hypertext_get_link            (AtspiHypertext *obj,
                                                         gint link_index,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the AtspiHyperlink object at a specified index.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHypertext implementor on which to operate.

link_index :

a (zero-index) gint indicating which hyperlink to query.

Returns :

the AtspiHyperlink object specified by link_index. [transfer full]

atspi_hypertext_get_link_index ()

gint                atspi_hypertext_get_link_index      (AtspiHypertext *obj,
                                                         gint character_offset,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the index of the AtspiHyperlink object at a specified character offset.

obj :

a pointer to the AtspiHypertext implementor on which to operate.

character_offset :

a gint specifying the character offset to query.

Returns :

the linkIndex of the AtspiHyperlink active at character offset character_offset, or -1 if there is no hyperlink at the specified character offset.
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