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Version checks

Version checks — Check for the version of librsvg being used.


Types and Values

extern const guint rsvg_major_version
extern const guint rsvg_minor_version
extern const guint rsvg_micro_version


Librsvg provides a few C macros that C and C++ programs can use to check the version being used at compile-time, that is, the API that the program expects to have. This is useful for programs that need to conditionally compile code with #ifdef blocks depending on the version of librsvg that may be available during compilation.

Librsvg also provides a few global constants that can be used to check the version of librsvg being used at run-time. This is useful to know which version of librsvg is actually being used on the system where the program is running.



#define             LIBRSVG_CHECK_VERSION(major,minor,micro)

This C macro returns TRUE if the the version of librsvg being compiled against is the same or newer than the specified version.

Note that this a compile-time check for C programs. If you want a run-time check for the version of librsvg being used, or if you are using another programming language, see the variables rsvg_major_version , rsvg_minor_version , rsvg_micro_version instead.



component for the major version to check



component for the minor version to check



component for the micro version to check


Types and Values



This is a C macro that expands to a number with the major version of librsvg against which your program is compiled.

For example, for librsvg-2.3.4, the major version is 2.

C programs can use this as a compile-time check for the required version, but note that generally it is a better idea to do compile-time checks by calling pkg-config in your build scripts.

Note: for a run-time check on the version of librsvg that your program is running with (e.g. the version which the linker used for your program), or for programs not written in C, use rsvg_major_version instead.



This is a C macro that expands to a number with the minor version of librsvg against which your program is compiled.

For example, for librsvg-2.3.4, the minor version is 3.

C programs can use this as a compile-time check for the required version, but note that generally it is a better idea to do compile-time checks by calling pkg-config in your build scripts.

Note: for a run-time check on the version of librsvg that your program is running with (e.g. the version which the linker used for your program), or for programs not written in C, use rsvg_minor_version instead.



This is a C macro that expands to a number with the micro version of librsvg against which your program is compiled.

For example, for librsvg-2.3.4, the micro version is 4.

C programs can use this as a compile-time check for the required version, but note that generally it is a better idea to do compile-time checks by calling pkg-config in your build scripts.

Note: for a run-time check on the version of librsvg that your program is running with (e.g. the version which the linker used for your program), or for programs not written in C, use rsvg_micro_version instead.


#define LIBRSVG_VERSION "2.52.1"

This is a C macro that expands to a string with the version of librsvg against which your program is compiled.

For example, for librsvg-2.3.4, this macro expands to "2.3.4".

C programs can use this as a compile-time check for the required version, but note that generally it is a better idea to do compile-time checks by calling pkg-config in your build scripts.

Note: for a run-time check on the version of librsvg that your program is running with (e.g. the version which the linker used for your program), or for programs not written in C, use rsvg_version instead.


extern const guint rsvg_major_version;

Major version of the library. For example, for version 2.3.4, the major version will be 2.

Since: 2.52


extern const guint rsvg_minor_version;

Minor version of the library. For example, for version 2.3.4, the minor version will be 3.

Since: 2.52


extern const guint rsvg_micro_version;

Micro version of the library. For example, for version 2.3.4, the micro version will be 4.

Since: 2.52

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